My baby is 18 months old as of tomorrow. No longer a baby but not quite a full-fledged toddler. I was reminded of this early this morning (5:30am to be exact) when Lukas woke up. He just wanted me to hold him. That seems to be happening more and more lately. I think he has gotten so independent, he finds it reassuring to be close to us. And I don't blame him -- it is a crazy world out there!
I can't believe how much has changed since Lukas' first birthday. He has become a bit of a mama's boy, saying mama mama mama more often than daddy, for the first time, well, ever. Now I know how it feels to be adored. I know that I must enjoy it because before I know it, his favorite family member will be Jordi or Daddy again.
Lukas has learned to identify and say eyes, nose and mouth recently. He especially loves pointing out other people's noses or eyes. Sometimes I end up with a finger up my nose -- anything for an enriching learning experience, right?
Lukas is talking more than I expected he would be at this age. Considering Andrew said he never wanted him to learn to talk (he just wanted him to grunt and coo the rest of his life), I think this is payback, big time! He says names of foods very clearly (hummus, berries, apple, cheese, juice, eggs, spoon) a few animals (doggie, kitty, turtle, duck) and lots of toy names (ball, baby, bike, bubbles). Names that says are Jordi, George (for Curious George), Daddy, Mama, Opa and Papa Choo Choo. And it's exciting to hear him start to piece together little phrases like "Oh no!" and "No Jordi!" I know I'm missing a lot of Lukas' words, but these are the ones that come to mind.
Favorite activities include going to the park, throwing balls, reading books in his room, telling us he wants to watch Curious George (and then not watching) helping Mama use the Swiffer, playing with cars, riding on his trike or riding in Daddy's bike trailer. He hasn't really taken to the arts yet - crayons look a little too tasty to waste on paper. So I am nervous to try finger paints!
We are also starting to see the signs that the terrible two's are coming, the result of a bad cold that made him pretty crabby. Although he doesn't say "no" much we get a nice whiny body shake if he doesn't want to do something. Telling him he can't go for a bike ride is not pretty. I'm afraid he's inherited stubbornness from both Andrew and me and he usually ends up getting his way.
Overall, Lukas is sweet and easy going. Spending the day with him isn't as much work as it could be. More often than not, it's a lot of fun. He makes us smile and laugh constantly for which I am grateful. He has a sweet, loving spirit and is such a BOY! We love you Lukas -- happy 18 month birthday.