Lukas turned 8 months old today. Where has the time gone? Here are some fun facts about our little sweet pea:
He has 6 teeth, 4 on the bottom and 2 on top (there is a gap between the top 2 teeth that is SO CUTE!)
Just started crawling on Wednesday! (military style, on his stomach). His Opa was the first one to see him crawl.
Lukas can transition from sitting to laying on his belly
Says Dada & Mama
Recognizes familiar faces
Jumps VERY high in his jumperoo
Loves playing with blocks
Likes books, likes chewing on them even more
Enjoys baby foods -- peas, pears, bananas and rice cereal are his favorites.
Gives really great hugs, especially in the morning
Does not mind mommy giving him lots of kisses
Has a budding sense of humor -- does things that he thinks are funny, laughs and then we laugh because he is laughing. Lukas is really great fun.
Travels so well in the car - we were on the road for 7 hours today. What a trooper!
Is one of the most content and happy babies. We are REALLY lucky.
Today we went to Amador to celebrate Andrew's first Father's Day. What a great family outing we had. I can't wait to go back for another picnic. No messy cleanup after lunch - love that!